Friday, September 23, 2011

Seeing Sinai

The summer plans started out simple and innocent...Go to Nuweiba, rent a hut and live on the beach for a week. 
Then traveling began. We left Cairo about 3:00am since it was a 5 hour drive to the hut and we didn't want to be driving through the desert in the middle of the day. Makes sense, right? In a perfect world that's EXACTLY what WOULD have happened.
We made it to Suez in roughly a good amount of time after a little bit of fighting along the way (after all we went to bed around 1am and started driving at 3am). Then, we waited...and waited...and waited some more. The traffic was NOT moving!!!  The military closed the road random points in time and then would reopen them. Now the heat of the sun started...and we were sitting in traffic, no air conditioner in the car, a 2 yr old screaming because he was hot and stuck between 3 buses whom were emitting the most obnoxious amount of pollution and heat I have ever encountered. Solution to this problem? Wait, wait and wait some more.
Finally 2 hours later we passed the security gates. Did they card us? Ask us for his ID, my passport our marriage contract that so many people told us they would? Nope, they just waved us through.  At least we were moving and the air was circulating again, even if it was 110F air.  We paid our 2le ($0.34) to enter the cool dark tunnel that allowed cars to travel under the Suez Canal which connected the Africa side of Egypt to the Asian side of Egypt. It was wonderfully cool below!
We emerged too quickly (in my opinion) into the heat and desert of Asian Egypt. I wasn't allowed to take any pictures due to the military being all around and I, obviously, look like a spy.
Our first town we made it to was Taba. It is the border town between Egypt and Israel. From the hilltops you can see Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. My cell phone coverage was registered to the Jordanian frequency known as zain-Jo. My first text message from them informed me how how to win a 2011 Ford Expedition.
From Taba we were entranced by the beautiful clear turquoise blue waters with virtually no waves. We had the mountains on one side of us and the water on the other. Perfection in its finest!!
We finally made it to Basata Camp (half way between Taba and Nuweiba), exciting times! All I could think about was jumping in the water with ALL my clothes still on. The camp was beautiful and Eco-friendly. After prayer was over (we arrived on a Friday), we were shown to our hut! It felt great inside it! The hut was completely bamboo and allowed the breeze to come through the whole hut. It was positioned on the beach and about 500m away from the sea. The bathroom was a few hundred meters away also. This was paradise!! We swam during the day, played in the sand, and admired the view of Egypt and Saudi. Life was great...until night came.
The night was HORRIBLE there! The mountains gave off all the heat they absorbed during the day and the breeze was non existent. Jackson couldn't sleep he was too hot and started to scream and cry! He woke up everyone that was already asleep, I am sure.  We were assured by several people that around 10:00pm the weather would turn cooler...they either lied, or were just wrong! We pulled out all the cushions from out hut and placed them on the sand under the stars to try and rest. Jackson was naked including diaper, to try and cool him off so he could sleep.   He finally fell asleep around 3am, we did not. 
The next morning we made phone calls and found a place right down the street that had air conditioning. We packed up as quick as we could and headed there. Crazy Horse Resort, was our savior. The air conditioning was mediocre but compared to the previous day it felt like an icebox. Jackson took a quick nap (and so did we) after settling in. When we woke up we rushed to the beach to get back into the water. There was only one other couple in the resort with us, so it was like we had a private beach to ourselves (for a few hours until a group of 9 college age partying kids appeared).  The beach wasn't nearly as nice as Basata, but it was do-able. It has a lot of rocks which you had to carefully navigate around to insure you didn't cut your foot...but our room had air conditioner.
Food was great there (Mo thought differently).  After 2 nights there Mo decided that he wanted to see the rest of Sinai and asked if I would be willing to pack up and head down to Sharm el Sheikh. Of course I said, YES! So off we went.
From Nuewiba to Sharm el Sheikh (Sharm for short) was about a 2 hour dive between the mountains and by the waters edge. It was a very beautiful drive. We were now decided to leave remote Sinai and enter the tourist capital. We had a place reserved for us in Delta Sharm Resort. Its a residential/vacation compound with 10 pools and beautiful landscape. This is the first and ONLY place we had to show our marriage document so we could get a room together. We rented a 1 bedroom apartment assuming Jackson could either sleep on the couch or cushions on the the floor in the bedroom. The view was nice, it was overlooking one of the many gardens. The apartment was acceptable, you could tell no one had rented it in awhile and it needed a good cleaning. But Sharm itself was ideal for the tourists. There was every type of food imaginable (except for Taco Bell) and anything you wanted to buy was there. We met up with a friend who worked in SoHo in Sharm and he showed us around and took us to the famous Sharm Ice Bar. Jackson fell in love! We were given heavy winter coats with fur hoodies. We entered the room, everything (except the floor) was ice. There were ice chairs, an ice bar, ice statues, words carved in the ice. Jackson didn't want to be held or be in a jacket he just wanted to see and touch everything. Each night when we went back to SoHo he pulled us to the direction of the bar. 
The trip was only 8 days long but felt much longer (in a good way). Spending time with family 24/7 is what made the whole trip worth wild. 

Step Pyramids of Djoser

No plans for the day + money to spend + beautiful day = an adventure to somewhere new!
Today's adventure consisted of the Step Pyramids of Djoser. Amazing and breathtaking are really the only ways to describe something like this.  Since the Revolution, January 25, 2011, tourism has been dramatically lower.  Living in Egypt though, we are able to take advantage of the tourist sites without be swamped by bus load of foreigners.  
The Step Pyramids are located about a 45-minute drive from our house. We decided to pack a lunch and make a day of it. Jackson fell asleep as soon as we were moving in the car (which is good because he was getting grumpy). It was a very hot day and with no air conditioner in the car it made the car ride even hotter.
Once we got there though, the drive was worth it. There was only 3 other tourists there... yes I said THREE!  It was an empty deserted piece of history that was ours to enjoy without being rushed (or so we thought).  There were a few merchants there with their goods, but no one approached up and harassed us to buy anything.  
Mo and I enjoyed walking around looking at the details that were craved in the stone. Jackson did not. Jackson was hot, he wanted something else to eat, he didn't want to walk (sounds pretty typical, huh?), and he was grumpy. Jackson decided it was time to GO!  So, go we went. We decided that we will come back to this place again, maybe without Jackson so we can really explore. There are so many places that you are able to enter along the sides of the pyramids that we did not take advantage of. It would be a shame to be so close to this history and not embrace it fully. 
So for this is a "To Be Continued..." 

Playing around the house...

Moving half way around the world hasn't affected Jackson's mood, attitude or appetite. He's still my ball of energy with a laugh that the whole compound can hear. He gets along with everyone and everything that "moves" is his new friend (cats, dogs, birds etc).

Moving to our new temporary home Jackson got his own bedroom and a "big boy" bed.  He only fell off of it twice! Playing in the garden and spending time in the courtyard are some of his favorite things to do around the house. He loves going to the grocery store so he can see new people. His first daycare was not a successful fit because he would come home cranky and in a bad mood daily. So we changed him to a new one that he loves and looks forward to attending everyday!

We have learned though, that cutting hair is NOT one of mom's hidden talents have all agreed that it will never happen again. (I'm sorry Jackson) 

There are a ton of kids around Jackson's age in the family which makes family get together fun and always entertaining. Some kids only speak Arabic, while some others are bilingual. Jackson, luckily, has picked up Arabic at a rapid pace.

Moving Day!

A new chapter started in our life on February 25, 2011. Jackson (1 yr 6 months) and me (27 yrs old) decided to take a leap into the unknown, across the world and in a totally new culture. We arrived at the airport, tired, cranky and stressed. Three check-in bags, one carry-on, one diaper bad, one carseat and one annoyed and agitated dog.  One thing after another went wrong at the airport (to make a long story short)...The airlines (United Airlines) said I couldn't take Colossus, we fought, I had someone come and get Colossus from the airport, Jackson (refusing to walk) and I ran to catch our plane (which we missed), had a 3 hour delay for the next flight. Next, I realized I left all my money in one of the suitcases so only had some change to feed Jackson and myself with until we landed in JFK.
Eventually, we made it to JFK, there I had to claim my luggage (Jackson was STILL refusing to walk). Once I saw how much I had to load on a cart I quickly realized there is no way that I can stack all my stuff on one AND hold Jackson, so I asked for help. Employees at JFK are not allowed to leave their posts to help so therefore, they left me no choice but to (literally) yell down the airport for someone to help me. Finally a random person did, I made it to a taxi and to the next terminal.  
Several hours later, we boarded our next plane (Austrian Airlines) to Vienna (which I thought was in Italy...its not...I guess hence the airline name, lol).  This trip was the easiest and best plane ride I have ever been on. I fell in love with the airlines, they pampered Jackson with toys and games and one-on-one attention so I could rest and relax. 
Twenty-eight hours later...we landed in Cairo International Airport. Home Sweet Home! Greeted by two friends and the love my life! Now, this is where the adventures really get good!